Today, I release my second novel, and my third (), a collaboration with Charlie Stross is due any day, and two () more () are under contract.
Hundreds of thousands of copies of the book were made and distributed this way. The thing that's extraordinary about that first novel is that it was released under terms governed by a Creative Commons () license that allowed my readers to copy the book freely and distribute it far and wide. I was and am proud as hell of that book, even though it is just one book among many released last year, better than some, poorer than others and even though the print-run (which sold out very quickly!) though generous by science fiction standards, hardly qualifies it as a work of mass entertainment. It was the storied dream-of-a-lifetime, come-true-at-last. I was 31 years old, and I'd been calling myself a novelist since the age of 12. Last year, in January 2003, my first novel () came out.